Friday, January 2, 2015

WTF Japan? - A dog doing... stuff

If you're familiar with Japanese commercials, just mentioning 'dog' and 'Japan' in a sentence will make you immediately think of today's topic. For today's commercial is a bit... special. Dogs are known to do many wonderful things: They can bring back a Frisbee or a stick, they can sit or lay down on command, or they can cheer a kid up by wearing a dolls' head and dancing while holding plates over their crotch. Wait, what?

Yes. I wish I was kidding.
Just when I got Giga Pudi's song out of my head, I encounter this. At least Giga Pudi was a little comprehensive, in this commercial, I have no idea what's going on. As far as I can tell, this is what happens.

  1. Dog is just chilling in his way too small doghouse when our little Japanese friend comes home
  2. Dog sees the sad little man and wants to cheer him up! He does so by folding out an ear in his paw, as you do
  3. Dog sees that the ear trick doesn't work, so the boy must be really sad. His next completely logical step is to wear the head of a doll
  4. Still nothing. Maybe dancing will help?
  5. Nope. Just more nightmare fuel. 
  6. PLOT TWIST. Talking to the girl really cheered the kid up. Poor dog.
  7. The creepy anthropomorphic dog eats a crisp and everything is well again, buy this!
I found a version with English subtitles, let's see how I did.

Basically, that made it worse. I was right about the offering a crisp part, except for the fact that the 'ear' is in fact meant to be a crisp. Next, the dolls' head is apparently a princess. Logical. I applaud the kid for not  I do like the fact the song says: 'I am a dog' in case there was any doubt left in anyone's mind. At least the dog is happy.

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